Vitamin of youth

Vitamin E is rightly called the vitamin of youth - see the use of vitamin E in everyday life and when planning a pregnancy, in which the correct dosages to take vitamin E foods, vitamin E-containing.

Vitamin E, or tocopherol hereinafter, is an effective antioxidant has vasodilating properties and also acts as an anticoagulant, reducing blood clotting. The most important property of vitamin E is considered its ability to prevent the oxidation of substances in the body: fat compounds, vitamins A and C, selenium, certain amino acids. It is this quality of vitamin E known as the "vitamin of youth", delaying the aging process.

Vitamin E protects the lungs from the effects of atmospheric pollution, prevents the formation of blood clots, promotes tissue regeneration. Tocopherol and has a diuretic effect, whereby the reduction of pressure facilitates. Vitamin E is often recommended to pregnant women, as it helps reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Lack of vitamin E in the body can lead to various disorders such as degenerative changes in the muscles, anemia, diseases of the reproductive system, the destruction of red blood cells.

In humans, vitamin E tocopherol accumulate in different organs: liver, heart, muscle, testis, adrenal gland, uterus, blood, pituitary, adipose tissue.

Vitamin E in foods

The "natural" as we have the most vitamin E from legumes, wheat germ, whole grains, eggs, some types of cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts), vegetable oil, spinach, greens.

Vitamin E increases their useful qualities in the presence of selenium and lose them in the presence of iron, chlorine, mineral oils. Another factor that deplete vitamin E, a thermal food processing: freezing or, conversely, the effect of high temperatures. Vitamin E is also "spoiled" under the influence of oxygen.

Regular daily Vitamin E is 10 mg, usually one capsule. How to take vitamin E - a very simple, once a day for a meal, if you assigned more, at a dose of standarnoy (10) during each meal.

Vitamin E in pregnancy

For information on how to use vitamin E during pregnancy, there are two diametrically opposite points of view. The classic approach suggests increasing intake of vitamin E during pregnancy and 20 mg. However, opponents of this method refer to studies which have found that taking high doses of vitamin E during the first months of pregnancy can lead to heart problems in the child. Therefore, if you need to increase vitamin E intake during pregnancy, the first three months, it should not be large, up to a maximum of 14 mg, and only by the physician.

Nursing mothers, women in menopause may also, if necessary to order xanax, increase the intake of this vitamin. In addition, there is a need to increase the daily requirement of vitamin while taking hormonal drugs S.

This is especially necessary vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is called "fertility vitamin." This means that it provides gonadal sex work in both women and men. If any violations in the endocrine system (and therefore also in the nervous system, brain, blood vessels, and so on. D.) It is necessary to pay attention to the level of vitamin E in the body.

In addition to the sexual glands, vitamin E ensures the functioning of the heart muscle. It is also effective in the treatment of diabetes and asthma, prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels, cleaning veins, arteries, capillaries of blood clots. That's why patients usually thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, doctors recommend taking vitamins K and A.

Canadian doctors say that if there is a current path of blood barrier (blood clot), then vitamin E may help form new blood vessel near.

The main dietary sources of vitamin E.

The main dietary sources of vitamin E are the following products: whole grain cereals, vegetable oil, eggs, lettuce, chestnuts, liver, nettle leaves, mint, carrot tops, celery, asparagus, broccoli, bran. Vitamin E should be used in combination with vitamins A and C (butter, cream, egg yolk, sour milk, and vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, green parts of plants). Previously, usually recommended for adults only 10-20 mg and for children 0.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. B. Shute proved that the increase in the daily rate of vitamin E and 600 mg of more productive for the health and in the treatment of this dose even increased.

Diseases caused by lack of vitamin E

Intermittent claudication. In typical cases, intermittent claudication occurs most commonly in older men: there are pain and cramps in the calves when walking. The pain is worse, and the person begins to stumble and limp. Such pain - a consequence of the accumulation of metabolites in the blood, and the required number of muscle deprived of oxygen. This is not a disease, but a serious signal that something is amiss in the arteries of the legs. It is estimated that in 99 cases out of 100 it's premature peripheral vascular sclerosis. Heger Swedish doctor in the clinic in Malmö tried to treat intermittent claudication or a vitamin E, or other known drugs only, or vitamin E in combination with these drugs. Eventually he came to the conclusion that the action of vitamin E is much more effective (unless, of course, do not need to be treated and some other diseases), but under one condition: the dose should be 400-500 ME per day. After several months of this treatment, patients could take up to 1 km, while normal blood flow is restored only after 12 and even 18 months. At the same time, eating foods rich in vitamin E, the same results can be achieved through 2-2.5 months.

Dr. Heger also but taking vitamin E, advise their patients to do gymnastics and resolutely banned smoking.

Painful cramps in the legs

Severe cramps in the legs - the phenomenon is quite frequent. Due to the sudden pain people jump out of bed at night, trying to step on the foot, rubbing the muscles change position, suffer and wait for the pain to pass. Sometimes years pass, and convulsions are repeated every night. Most of these phenomena occur with women after 50 years. This is due to sexual activity of the gonads, that lack of vitamin E to produce hormones. And cramps in my legs began to treat vitamin E. Patients treated at 300-400 ME per day, a week later I felt an improvement, with the disappeared and other kinds of muscle spasms. Painful spasms are possible not only for vitamin E deficiency, but also for the magnesium deficiency in an organism, vitamin B12, nervous overvoltages, or in case of lack of oxygen. Therefore, if you have cramps, pay attention to his regime: Do you sleep enough? Do not hurt whether infectious diseases, which "eats" all the vitamins? What is your diet? if enough vitamins (A, C, B, and most importantly - E) and minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and especially magnesium).