Impotence: Symptoms and Treatment

Impotence (erectile dysfunction) defines the urgency for a man of such violations in his sexual function, for which he is not able to complete the sexual act. Impotence symptoms which indicate an inability to maintain an erection for sexual intercourse for the required level or the inability to achieve ejaculation, or on a combination of the two states can be characterized as a total inability to achieve an erection or ejaculation, and short duration of maintenance of erection.

General description

Impotence in was put into practice in 1655 as a medical term. That less, impotence, under which it is implied, of course, came much earlier than has been appropriately defined. At the moment, such as its definition is obsolete, instead of the name of disturbances now uses the term "erectile dysfunction".

The risk of impotence increases substantially with age. Thus, men have passed the age mark of 60 years, the violation occurs 4 times more often than men by 40 years. Meanwhile, on the basis of medical statistics on parts of potency disorders, it is known that more than about 30% of men, whose age is between 18-60 years old, already have impaired sexual function varying degrees of its manifestation. Accordingly, the age of the male impotence in each case is not subject to the strict framework, because the definition of specific figures for the manifestation of violations in this area mainly driven by individual factors and criteria.

Most often considered as impotence erectile dysfunction in men. That less, this term is actually a more three-dimensional, and it implies a view of this under any sexual disorders, occurring in men (by the way, some researchers are of the opinion that this also applies to women). There are six basic criteria, on the basis of which a man can be considered impotent:

These criteria identify the male impotence have been provided by one of the authors, and the potency is seen as a violation of current pathology in accordance to any of the items. Starting points are defined, respectively, as the initial phase of development of impotence, because the sooner it will be noted in men matching these points, the more serious will be identified and the consequences. Violations under the current item for the man determines the subsequent deflection and the rest of the specified points (phases).

It is also emphasized that some of the components associated impotence, not only to comply with the chronology of the processes of sexual intercourse, but also act as a causal component. The term "impotence" is mandatory and must contain more conditions attributable to a particular situation and accompanying sexual intercourse, and sexual partner.

In particular it should be noted that there are situations in which sexual intercourse is not feasible due to certain physiological circumstances, which is why the assignment of impotence on the part of the clinical understanding of this term is not allowed. For example, there may be isolated human presence in the vicinity (particularly friends and relatives), threat to life, etc. In addition, you can highlight that sexual arousal occurs in the case of the relevance of the minimum number of erotic stimuli, which, this time, refers to the male sexual partner. In the absence of such stimuli that, for example, can be seen as an absolute outer unattractive partner, a man, instead of the corresponding possible situation of sexual stimulation occurs sexual aversion (which determines the absolute rejection of male sexual relations on the mental level, with respect to a healthy organism able to sexually ).

Impotence: Causes

The reasons that trigger impotence specialists distributed into several groups, which allows them to allocate the following options:

These options correspond to the already discussed our organic nature of the disease in which the impotence is the result of abnormalities in the normal functioning of an organ (system) in the male body. From diseases that provoke the development of impotence in men are the following: hypertension, atherosclerosis, low testosterone (hypogonadism), multiple sclerosis, diabetes, spinal cord injury.

Turning to the impotence provoked diseases of genitals, there are three main forms arising in the background of the impact of these types of factors, disorders associated with endocrine function of the testes; relevance diseases on seed tubercle and prostate; mechanical causes (penile disease, injury or congenital malformations).

In the first case of the disease endocrine nature of origin, against which reduced sex hormone production by the testes leads to a concomitant weakening of the sex drive. This type of testicular abnormalities may be congenital in nature (hypoplasia of the testes), they can also be acquired in childhood (when transferred bilateral orchitis or mumps, with scarring and atrophy in patients with testicular) or in adulthood (testicular trauma, the transfer of orchitis, age-related changes accompanying the onset of older or elderly).

With regard to the second form, in which are considered relevant to the patient's disease seed tubercle or the prostate gland, then they, in turn, linked or with the presence of deviations from normal sexual life (which means that it contains sexual excesses, activities related to artificial prolongation of sexual act or its interruption, as well as frequent masturbation), or with third party infection (prostatitis postgonoreyny posttrihomonadny or other of its forms). In addition, can play a role other type of cause (prostate adenoma, inactive lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, etc.).

Mechanical causes, related to the third form, define this type of diseases of the penis buy Viagra Online , in which a mechanical level, there is no possibility of its introduction into the vagina.

However, as also noted in the majority of such violations observed infrequently. Accordingly, this determines that inherently impotence mostly - psychosomatic dysfunction scale. Early impotence is also regarded it as regards compliance with this reason. After eliminating the factors directly associated with the occurrence of this problem, erection in men, as well as the ability to commit their full sexual intercourse fully be restored.

There are some options for impotence, corresponding to a particular age period. So marked early impotence is mainly psychogenic (up to age 30 years). During the middle-aged (30 to 50 years) impotence is advantageously spinal, ie develops in the seed tubercle and prostate diseases, and on the background of the depletion of the respective centers in the spinal cord, by which the management of erection and ejaculation. Impotence in men 50 years and older nature of endocrine pathology, it is connected with the age-related decrease relevant to testicular hormonal function.

As an aggravating factor in the impotence determined abuse of tobacco and alcohol. Based on studies revealed in particular that leads to inhibition of nicotine in brain sexual centers, thereby, in turn, is subject to weakening and erection. No less negative is and influence of alcohol - here the impact is directed in particular on the sex glands (prostate and testicles). On the basis of experiments conducted on animals revealed that chronic alcoholism causes fatty degeneration of the sexual glands and their subsequent atrophy. Such changes, in turn, become a cause of partial or complete extinction, and all the men of sexual potency. In addition to this effect is also observed for men alcohol at which the feminization them (in other words, it is - effeminate). This is accompanied by hair loss, obesity is on the female type, and so on. The effect of alcohol on the central nervous system is, as a consequence, impotence can have a subsequent spinal or cortical origin.